- 办公地点: 理化楼301
- 办公电话: 010-62332681
- 电子邮件: wuchuandong@ustb.edu.cn
- 本科课程: 分析化学(全英文)、仪器分析
- 研究生课程: 现代化学分析原理与技术、环境异味污染分析与控制
- 科研方向: 环境分析化学
- 社会职务:中国化学会会员
2021 -至今,北京科技大学,化学与生物工程学院,副教授;
2019 -2021,北京科技大学,化学与生物工程学院,讲师;
2018 -2019,丹麦奥胡斯大学,空气质量工程研究所,访问学者;
2017 -2019,北京科技大学,化学与生物工程学院,教师博士后;
2012 -2017,北京科技大学,化学系,博士;
2008 -2012,北京科技大学,化学系,本科。
1. Han Xu; Li Wenhui*; Zhao Yanjun; Zhuang Yuan; Jia Qi; Guan Hongyan; Liu Jiemin; Wu Chuandong*; Organophosphate Esters in Building Materials from China: Levels, Sources, Emissions, and Preliminary Assessment of Human Exposure, Environmental Science & Technology, 2024, 58: 2434-2445.
2. Ren Yifan; Li Wenhui; Jia Qi; Zhao Yanjun; Qu Chen; Liu Li; Liu Jiemin; Wu Chuandong*; Separation and quantification of tire and road wear particles in road dust samples: Bonded-sulfur as a novel marker, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2024, 465: 133089.
3. Pei Suyun; Zhao Yanjun*; Li Wenhui; Qu Chen; Ren Yifan; Yang Yue; Liu Jiemin; Wu Chuandong*; Critical impact of pyrolysis temperatures on biochars for peroxymonosulfate activation: Structural characteristics, degradation performance and mechanism, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 477: 147274.
4. Qu Chen; Liu Zhu; Liu Jinhua; Wu Chuandong*; Pei Yipu; Zhao Peng; Liu Jiemin; Rapid determination of chemical concentration and odor concentration of paint-emitted pollutants using an electronic nose, Building and Environment, 2023, 227: 109783.
5. Xue Jing, Cai Hanmei, Li Weifang, Pei Yipu, Guan Hongyan, Guo Zhongbao, Wu Chuandong*, Qu Chen, Li Wenhui, Liu Jiemin. Emissions of VOCs and SVOCs from polyvinyl chloride building materials: Contribution to indoor odor and inhalation health risks. Building and Environment, 2023, 229: 109958.
6. 刘杰民; 吴传东; 赵鹏; 郭中宝; 环境异味污染分析与控制, 科学出版社.
7. 张舸; 吴传东; 盛颖; 曹国庆; 室内空气净化, 中国建筑工业出版社(住房和城乡建设部“十四五”规划教材).
8. 国家标准, 关红艳; 郭中宝; 贾祺; 潘守伟; 刘杰民; 吴传东等; 建材产品中半挥发性有机化合物(SVOC)释放量的测试, GB/T 42898-2023.
9. 国家标准, 丁建军; 刘实华; 裴一朴; 郭中宝; 关红艳; 刘杰民; 吴传东等; 建材产品的气味释放测试 环境测试舱法, GB/T 43353-2023.