- 办公地点: 理化楼301
- 办公电话: 010-62332681
- 电子邮件: guozhongn@ustb.edu.cn
- 本科课程: 物理化学D
- 研究生课程: 材料与化工现代研究方法
- 科研方向: 1.低维无机材料晶体生长与性能; 2.拓扑电催化; 3.多元相图计算。
- 社会职务:北京硅酸盐学会会员
1.Jiawei Lin, Zhongnan Guo,* Wenxia Yuan* et al., Tunable Bright White Light Emission with Ultra‐High Color Rendering Index Induced by Trigonal Bipyramid Unit, Advanced Optical Materials, 2022, 11, 2202304.
2.Zhongnan Guo, Hang Ruan, Wenxia Yuan* et al., (BA)10AgBi2Br19: a one-dimensional halide double perovskite with a unique Br trimer, Chemical Communications, 2022, 58, 13337-13340.
3.Zijing Zhang, Zhongnan Guo* et al., Effect of Cu Doping on Structure and Physical Properties in the Antiferromagnetic Dirac Semimetal CaMnBi2, Inorganic Chemistry, 2022, 61, 4592-4597.
4.Zhongnan Guo, Fan Sun, Wenxia Yuan* et al., Local Distortions and Metal–Semiconductor–Metal Transition in Quasi-One-Dimensional Nanowire Compounds AV3Q3Oδ (A = K, Rb, Cs and Q = Se, Te), Chemistry of Materials, 2021, 33, 2611-2623.
5.Xue Han, Zhongnan Guo,* Wenxia Yuan* et al., High electron mobility and transverse negative magnetoresistance in van der Waals material Nb2GeTe4, Materials Chemistry Frontiers, 2021, 5, 8275-8280.