- 办公地点: 理化楼322
- 办公电话: 62332689
- 电子邮件: chenfeiwu@ustb.edu.cn
- 本科课程: 《物理化学AI》,《物理化学AII》,《物理化学实验A》
- 研究生课程: 《现代化学进展》,《群论及其在化学中的应用》
- 科研方向: 理论化学与计算,液体的表面吸附
- 社会职务:
1991.9-1995.7, 北京大学化学系物理化学专业,博士。
1997.6-1999.3,COE(Center of Excellence) 博士后,分子科学研究所,日本。
2000.4-2002.3,博士后,Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, 美国。 2002.4-2004.2,研究助手,能源部辐射实验室, University of Notre Dame, Indiana, 美国。
2010.8-现在, 北京科技大学化学与生物工程学院,教授,博导。
1. 陈飞武,量子化学中的计算方法,科学出版社,北京,2008年6月。
2. Bingyao Yuan, Wenyan Zhang, Qing Ren, Feiwu Chen, Molecular dynamics study on the anomalous behavior of phase transition heats of alcohols at vapor-liquid interface, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 396, 124025, 2024.
3. Kun Teng, Yafeng Yao, Feiwu Chen, Studies on the Surface Adsorption of Binary Molten Salts, Langmuir, 40, 1203−1212, 2024
4. Jing Jing Song, Feiwu Chen, Theoretical studies on the interaction of HXeF with M3N3H6 (M=B, Al and Ga) and their substituted derivatives, Chemical Physics Letters, 830,140794, 2023.
5. Huiying Wang, Feiwu Chen, Theoretical perspective on two-state “ON-OFF” NLO switch of Rh(ш)-azobenzene complexes with considerable first hyperpolarizability, Journal Physical Chemistry A, 127, 5030−5038, 2023.
6. Huiying Wang, Jinting Ye, Yongqing Qiu, Feiwu Chen, Toward the design of inorganic-organic hybrid Ir(III) complexes containing borazine and benzene ligands with excellent second-order NLO responses: An appropriate substitution and π-conjugated extension, Journal of Molecular liquids, 371, 121081, 2023.
7. Xiangling Hou, Feiwu Chen, Block effective Hamiltonian Theory and its applications, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 19, 61-70, 2023.
8. Weiying Su, Qing Ren, Wenyan Zhang, Feiwu Chen, Computational studies on the reactivity of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, ChemPhysChem, 24, e2022006, 2023.
9. Huiying Wang, Jinting Ye, Yongqing Qiu, Feiwu Chen, Theoretical investigation of electronic structures, second-order NLO responses of cyclometalated Ir(ш) and Rh(ш) counterpart complexes: effect of metal center, New Journal of Chemistry, 46, 10652-10661, 2022.
10. Jia-Qi Fan, Wen-Yan Zhang, Qing Ren, Feiwu Chen, Calculations of atomisation energy and singlet–triplet gap with iterative multireference configuration interaction, Molecular Physics, 120, e2048109, 2022.
11. Qing Ren, Feiwu Chen, Quantitative description of surface adsorption of surfactant in aqueous solution without the Gibbs equation, Chemical Communications, 56, 15076-15079, 2020.
12. Wenyan Zhang, Feiwu Chen, Iterative multireference configuration interaction, Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 32, 701-707, 2019.
13. Jiang Yi, Zhongfu Xie, Feiwu Chen, Theoretical Study on Divergence Problems of Single Reference Perturbation Theories, Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 32, 597-602, 2019.
14. Jiang Yi, Feiwu Chen,Multireference Rayleigh–Schrödinger perturbation theory and its application, Journal of Chemical Physics, 150, 124108, 2019.
15. Jiang Yi, Feiwu Chen, Application of multireference linearized coupled-cluster theory to atomic and molecular systems. Journal of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, 17, 1850016, 2018.
16. Feiwu Chen, Qing Ren, Novel surface adsorption behavior of liquid at the air-liquid interface, Chemical Physics Letters, 685, 438–441, 2017.
17. Jingsi Cao, Qing Ren, Feiwu Chen, Tian Lu, Comparative study on the methods for predicting the reactive site of nucleophilic reaction, Science China Chemistry, 58, 1845–1852, 2015.
18. Feiwu Chen, Tian Lu, Zhao Wu, Surface absorption of a solution at equilibrium, Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, 31, 1499-1503, 2015.
19. Feiwu Chen, Zhihui Fan, A new size extensive multireference perturbation theory, Journal of Computational Chemistry, 35,121-129, 2014.
20. Tian Lu, Feiwu Chen, Revealing the nature of intermolecular interaction and configurational preference of the nonpolar molecular dimers (H2)2, (N2)2 and (H2)(N2), Journal of Molecular Modeling, 19,5387-5395, 2013.
21. Tian Lu, Feiwu Chen, Bond Order Analysis Based on Laplacian of Electron Density in Fuzzy Overlap Space, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 117, 3100–3108, 2013.
22. Feiwu Chen, Wick¢s theorem and reconstruction schemes for reduced density matrices,Science in China Series B, 49, 402-406, 2006.
23. Feiwu Chen, Daniel M. Chipman, Boundary element method for dielectric cavity construction and integration,Journal of Chemical Physics, 119, 10289, 2003.
24. Feiwu Chen, Ernest R. Davidson, Suehiro Iwata, A new time-independent perturbation theory for the multireference problem,International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 86,256, 2002.