- 办公地点: 理化楼337
- 办公电话: 010-62333871
- 电子邮件: zdchang@ustb.edu.cn
- 本科课程: 化工原理,无机化学实验,化学化工英语
- 研究生课程:
- 科研方向: (1)锂电回收再利用工艺开发 (2)表面活性剂配方的开发及其在三次采油中的应用 (3)基于界面现象的新型分离工艺开发 (4)分子动力学模拟及应用预测
- 社会职务:
2006.6-8,爱尔兰University College Dublin水资源中心,高级访问学者;
1. 2022-2025 “废旧磷酸铁锂电池全元素综合利用技术与示范”课题负责人,安徽省科技重点项目;
2. 2022-2023 “高温高盐条件下泡沫水的配方优化与分子模拟”课题负责人,中国石油勘探开发研究院资助;
3. 2022-2024 “口服兽药制剂与制备技术”课题负责人,由天象生物药业邢台有限责任公司资助;
4. 2019-2020 “美罗培南钯催化剂钯碳再利用”课题负责人,石药集团有限公司资助;
5. 2013-2016 “分离水中低浓度有机溶剂的表面活性萃取技术”课题负责人,国家自然科学基金资助;
6. 2009-2011 “高剪切条件下泡沫生成和稳定性的机理与调控”课题负责人,国家自然科学基金资助;
7. 2004-2007 “有机物稀溶液处理中的气液两相多尺度传递规律”课题负责人,国家自然科学基金资助;
8. 2011-2012 “甘蔗渣吸水纤维研发”课题负责人,柳州爱格富食品科技股份有限公司资助;
9. 2010-2015 “蔗糖脂肪酸酯研发” 课题负责人,柳州爱格富食品科技股份有限公司资助。
[1]Daixiang Wei, Wei Wang, Longjin Jiang, Zhidong Chang, Hira Anwar, Hualei Zhou, Bin Dong, Dekun Gao, Hao Le, Zhiyi Chen, Wenjun Li, “Preferential extraction of lithium from spent LiCoO2 cathodes and regeneration of LiCoO2 cathodes”, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 2023, 11, 110890
[2]Mahamat Abderamane Hassan, Wei Wang, Zhidong Chang, Min Li, Bin Dong, Kevin Igor azeuda Ndonfack, Wenjun Li, Changyan Sun, “TiO2/SO42- Solid Superacid Catalyst Prepared by Recovered TiO2 from Waste SCR and Its Application in Transesterification of Ethyl Acetate with n butanol”, Waste and Biomass Valorization, 2023, 14, 4035-4043
[3]Min Li, Bin Dong, Zhidong Chang, Hui Dang, Sihang Ma, Wenjun Li, Synthesis of TiO2/g C3N4 Photocatalyst with Recovered TiO2 from Spent SCR Catalyst for Photodegrading Rhodamine B, Waste and Biomass Valorization, 2023, 14, 687-701
[4]Wenjun Liu, Zhidong Chang, Huanxin Wang, Hui Dang, Sihang Ma, Daixiang Wei, and Wenli Luo, Determent of oil-soluble surfactants on aggregation of model asphaltene compound and synergistic effect of their mixtures on foaming property, Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2023, 44(11), 2119–2128
[5]Linghong Cai, Zhidong Chang, Hui Dang, Sihang Ma, Wenjun Liu, Mahamat Abderamane Hassane, Daixiang Wei, Effects of interfacial molar ratios of anionic/cationic surfactant mixtures on properties at the gas-liquid interface: a molecular dynamics study, Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2023, 44(11), 2023-2033
[6]Hui Dang, Zhidong Chang, Hualei Zhou, Sihang Ma, Min Li, and Jialing Xiang, Extraction of lithium from the simulated pyrometallurgical slag of spent lithium-ion batteries by binary eutectic molten carbonates, International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 2022, 29(9), 1715-1721
[7]Na Li, Zhidong Chang, Hui Dang, Yifei Zhan, Jingyang Lou, Shan Wang, Sanam Attique, Wenjun Li, Hualei Zhou, Changyan Sun, Deep eutectic solvents assisted synthesis of MgAl layered double hydroxide with enhanced adsorption toward anionic dyes, Colloids and surfaces A physicochemical and engineering aspects, 2020, 591, 124507.
[8]Xue Wu, Zhidong Chang, Jingge Feng, Hui Dang, Hasan Uslu, Wenjun Li, Influence of fluorinated extractant aggregation in diluent on extraction of salicylic acid: Evidence from equilibrium, SAXS and molecular dynamics simulation, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2018,66: 168-175
[9]Peng Zhang, Zhidong Chang, Dongyu Wang, Benjamin John Blamo, Wenjun Li, Effect of Water Content on Product Distribution of Base-catalyzed Transesterification, Waste and Biomass Valorization, 2017, 8: 95-102, DOI 10.1007/s12649-016-9584-3
[10]Yuanzhen Wang, Zhidong Chang, Benjamin John Blamo, Xue Wu, Shixiang Liu, Wenjun Li, Preparation of Photocatalytic Zn3(VO4)2/ZnWO4 from Waste V2O5–WO3/TiO2 SCR Catalyst, Waste and Biomass Valorization, 2017, 8:2423-2430, DOI 10.1007/s12649-016-9783-y
[11]Yuhong Luo, Zhidong Chang, Xue Wu, Hasan Uslu, Wenjun Li, Chao Hua, Shixiang Liu, Changyan Sun, Sunjong Im, Efficiency of fluorinated alcohol for extraction of organic acid from its dilute aqueous solution: A model study, Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, 2015, 178: 260-265
[12]Huiyun Cao, Xue Wu, Zhidong Chang, Wenjun Li, Bin Dong, Qiong Jin, Infrared spectra analysis of O-H on aggregate structure formation of oleamide in sulfuric acid solution, Separation and Purification Technology, 2015, 145: 98-103
[13]Yongqiang Zhang, Zhidong Chang, Wenli Luo, Shaonan Gu, Wenjun Li, Jianbo An, Effect of starch particles on foam stability and dilational viscoelasticity of aqueous-foam, ChineseJournal of Chemical Engineering, 2015, 23: 276-280
[14]Yiting Huo, Zhidong Chang, Wenjun Li, Shixiang Liu, Bin Dong, Reuse and Valorization of Vanadium and Tungsten from Waste V2O5–WO3/TiO2 SCR Catalyst, Waste and Biomass Valorization, 2015, 6:159-165
[15]Rongrong Zhao, Zhidong Chang, Qiong Jin, Wenjun Li, Bin Dong & Xiaowen Miao, Heterogeneous base catalytic transesterification synthesis of sucrose ester and parallel reaction control, International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2014, 49, 854-860
[16]Xinrong Qiu, Zhidong Chang, Wenjun Li, Hualei Zhou, Bin Dong, Structural analysis of N-H-O in viscoelastic scum formation during solvent extraction of sulfuric acid with trioctylamine, Separation and Purification Technology, 2012, 95, 196-201
[17]Ning Zhanglei, Chang Zhidong, Li Wenjun,SUN Changyan, ZHANG Jinghua and LIU Yang, Solvothermal Synthesis and Optical Performance of One-Dimensional Strontium Hydroxyapatite Nanorod, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering,2012, 20(1), 89-94
[18]Ma Yinchen, Chang Zhidong, Hu Xin, Wang Kang, Lei Chao and Liu Huizhou. Separation of butyl acetate from model emulsions by solvent sublation, Separation and Purification Technology, 2010, 72(1), 77-84
[19]Yu Pinhua, Chang Zhidong, Ma Yinchen, Wang Senjian, Cao Hongbin, Hua Chao and Liu Huizhou. Equilibrium study on reactive extraction of propionic acid with N1923 in different dilutes. Separation and Purification Technology, 2009, 70, 199-206
[20]Wang Kang, Chang Zhidong, Ma Yinchen, Lei Chao, Wang Jing, Zhu Tingyu, Liu Huizhou, Zuo Yanjun and Li Xin. Study on solvent extraction of propionic acid from simulated discharged water in vitamin B12 production by anaerobic fermentation. Bioresource Technology, 2009, 100(11): 2878-2882
[21]Shen S.-F., Chang Z.-D., and Liu H.Z.. Three-liquid-phase extraction systems for separation of phenol and p-nitrophenol from wastewater. Separation and Purification Technology, 49(3), 217-222, 2006
[22]Sun X.-H., Chang Z.-D., Liu H.-Z. and Gao R.-L., “Recovery of Butyl Acetate in Wastewater of Penicillin Plant by Solvent Sublation II. Theoretical Model”, Separation Science and Technology, 40 (4), 941, 2005
[23]Chang Z.-D., Wei X.-F., Liu H-Z. and Chen J-Y., “Simulated foam separation of butyl acetate from wastewater discharged by solvent extraction operation in penicillin production”, Separation Science and Technology, 37(4), 1, 2002
[24]Chang Z.-D., Liu H-Z. and Chen J-Y., “Foam separation of tributyl phosphate from aqueous solutions. Part I. Experiment”, Separation and Purification Technology, 2000, 19(1&2), 131
[25]Chang Z.-D., Liu H-Z. and J Chen -Y., “Foam separation of tributyl phosphate from aqueous solutions. Part II. Simulation”, Separation and Purification Technology, 2000, 19(1&2), 137